Thursday, 3 March 2011


Verata The Vampyre

Verata was my first Femme Fatal, I wanted to use a different medium for each 
image and Verata was my oils girl. I wanted her to look seductive and a little 
dangerous as she invites you to join her in the ruined lighthouse in the background

Rose And The Lion

This was meant to show Rose as a strong young woman protecting an
old weak Lion. This won a place at the Monkey Bar's first exhibition.

Poppy The Geisha

I used quite cliched Japanese images for this image, but some things just say 
Japan better than others. Poppy the geisha is all fun and mischief, but she is
 no fool. Trained in classical Japanese instruments to entertain you, witty and 
charming, but it is going to cost you! Poppy is my watercolour girl.

Marina The Mermaid

Marina the mermaid is also mischievous and playful,
She wants you to come and play, forever. She is my 
water-soluble crayon girl.

Serene The Siren

Serene is another version of Mermaid from Greek legend.
She sings her song and lures ships onto the rocks, taking 
the sailors to the murky depths to keep her company.
Serene is my coloured pencil girl.

Medusa The Gorgon

Medusa brooks no nonsense as she guards the entrance to Hades, 
the Greek Hell. A ravishing beauty punished for giving
 her favors to a God while her chastity was promised to Venus. 
Medusa is my ink girl

Emily The Victorian Ghost

Emily rises every night to search for a man to replace her
murdered paramore. Be careful, a one night stand wont do 
for this moral young lady, she wants you for eternity! 
Emily is a mixture of oil pastels, water-soluble crayon and acrylic.

Winona The Witch

Winona is a modern girl, she likes fun and is in touch
with her sensual, magical side. If she doesn't put a spell
on you, she'll just have to charm you instead.
Winona is my acrylic girl.

Medusa Prototype 1

Medusa Prototype 2
This medusa was done in the studio at Swansea Metropolitan University.
When the red paint ran down her face I was gutted, but on reflection I like 
this. It gives her a more sinister look.
This Medusa is a watercolour girl.

Lady Nighttime

Lady Nighttime is not part of the Femme Fatal Laptop Girls, 
but she seemed to fit best here with them. Maybe it's her stern expression.

Lady Nighttime Pensive

Lady Nighttime takes a moment out.
Lady nighttime is an Adobe Photoshop CS4 girl.

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